Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nataly Ortiz 10/23/07
Mr. Romero Why I will graduate in 2011!

I believe that I will graduate in 2011. I say so because of my steady focus in school, my outgoing and caring parents, and I want to graduate with a good paying job.

My first reason why I think I will graduate is because of my steady focus in school. When I’m in school I try my best to focus no matter what happens. When I was in school today I was so tired and hungry, I didn’t feel like doing anything yet I stayed up and paid attention because it is up to me to take my future seriously or not.

My second reason why I will graduate is because of my outgoing and hardworking parents. My wonderful parents do everything for me. And even though they are a little strict they always guide me through whatever problems I have and keep me on track. My parents help me through anything and everything without them I would not have mad it this far.

My last and most important reason why I’m graduating is because I want to leave high school with the knowledge to get a good paying job. High school teaches many abilities that tie into my future. I want to travel all over the world and get a taste of what life is like all around me. I want to experience everything I can.

In conclusion I know that I will graduate because of my steady focus, my outgoing parents and my need for good employment. I want to be one of the few who actually go and accomplish high school. And that’s why I think I will graduate in 2011!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


in science class we did an experiment designing an i-chip. i worked with kellly and shiane. our purpos efor our i-chip was to increse the human knowledge. i was the marketting rep my job was to create the i-chip name, the company name, create a catchy poster, and create an i-movie. i think we did an exelllent job on our project and thogh it was hard i enjoyed doing it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My Philosophy of Government

Yes I believe that government is necessary! And I think that Thomas Hobbes's point about how we tend to be selfish nasty and brutish, explains my opinion very well. Hobbs believes that before society was organized, human life was solitary, poor, nasty, and short. He claims that government is necessary to preserve humans. I agree with his opinion because without the right rules and limitations the world would go insane.