Friday, May 1, 2009

one beyond the line question...

how does lennie and george's struggle to work and get money to acheive their dreams relate to the problems in the world today? right now the economy is really bad. busisnesses are shutting down, people with familys and everyday lives are unemployed, and their being put in a position were they have to work extremly hard to find a job and come out on top of this money mess.
george and lennie got this job at the ranch andthey are doing the best they can to forget about therir previous experience and move foward. their dream is to work at this rance to save money and get their on farm.
i think many people today do to the problem going on taday are looking for any opportunities available to save money and make it throught this unfortunate economy problem.
george and lennie also went through some obstacles to get the job they got. for example in the beggining of the book george and klennie get layed off the bus on purpose which got them to the ranch a say late. due to the economic issues alot of people lost their jobs and im sure are going through some obstacles just like george and lennie. since a lot of businesses closed many people were found completly lucky.

one beyond the line question...

6 questions on the line...

1)what was not one of the things that were on the shelves at the bunk house?
A. articles
B. soap
C. pickles
D. western magazine

2)why did george and lennie arive late to the ranch?
A. bus
B. airplane
C. old lady
D. car

3) what made george not want to sleep on the bed?
A. lice
B. bug killer can
C. stains
D. messy bed

4) who's team was george and lennie sent to work with?
A. bob
B. blacksmith
C. slim
D. jack

5) who did lennie have a problem with?
B. slim
C. the boss

6)how was curly discribed?
A. pretty handy
B. tough
C. skinny
D. stupid

6 questions on the line...