Friday, May 1, 2009

one beyond the line question...

how does lennie and george's struggle to work and get money to acheive their dreams relate to the problems in the world today? right now the economy is really bad. busisnesses are shutting down, people with familys and everyday lives are unemployed, and their being put in a position were they have to work extremly hard to find a job and come out on top of this money mess.
george and lennie got this job at the ranch andthey are doing the best they can to forget about therir previous experience and move foward. their dream is to work at this rance to save money and get their on farm.
i think many people today do to the problem going on taday are looking for any opportunities available to save money and make it throught this unfortunate economy problem.
george and lennie also went through some obstacles to get the job they got. for example in the beggining of the book george and klennie get layed off the bus on purpose which got them to the ranch a say late. due to the economic issues alot of people lost their jobs and im sure are going through some obstacles just like george and lennie. since a lot of businesses closed many people were found completly lucky.

one beyond the line question...

6 questions on the line...

1)what was not one of the things that were on the shelves at the bunk house?
A. articles
B. soap
C. pickles
D. western magazine

2)why did george and lennie arive late to the ranch?
A. bus
B. airplane
C. old lady
D. car

3) what made george not want to sleep on the bed?
A. lice
B. bug killer can
C. stains
D. messy bed

4) who's team was george and lennie sent to work with?
A. bob
B. blacksmith
C. slim
D. jack

5) who did lennie have a problem with?
B. slim
C. the boss

6)how was curly discribed?
A. pretty handy
B. tough
C. skinny
D. stupid

6 questions on the line...

Thursday, April 30, 2009

5 questions between the line.

1)why did slim and george reffer to lennie as a hard worker but not so bright?

slim and george were reffering to lennie as slow and not so bright but they said he was a real hardworker. "maybe he aint bright, but i never seen such a hardworker". he was one of the strongest men working at the ranch but he wasnt really that smart.

2)why was curlys wife always around the other guys?
i think curly was around the other guys on the farm a lot becuase of what happened to her before she married curly. i think she was still upset that she didnt receive that phone call about becoming a movie star so she took a chance and married curly. i dont think she got exactly what she wanted out of curly and i dont think she really wanted to be in that relationship. therefore she messed around with the other guys in the farm longing for something more..

3) what is your interpretation of george and lennies relationship?
my interpretation of the relationship between george and lennie is strong. although george picks on lennie a lot i think they have a real brotherly relationship going on. george protects lennie and keeps him out of trouble. now lennie on the other hand is a little slow but i think he has some sence in him. he looks up to lennie and treats him like a brother.

4)what do u think the location of the story symbolizes?
i beleive the main setting in the story is the ranch. i think this ranch somewhat sybolizes unity. i think this unity of men doesnt really include lennie. i think the men are more attatched to george as he is the smart one. since lennie is kinda the slow and weird one the guys dont really pay attention to him.

5)what was the main theme of the book?
i think the main theme in "of mice and men" is friendship. there are many frienships that go on in the book between diffrent people. some of the frienships were stronger than others but it does occor a lot in the book.for example george and lennie, george and candy, lennie and curlys wife and many more. i think the strongest friendsip in the book although typical; george and lennie.although george took advantage of the fact that lennie obeyed everything he said geogre still protected lennie and in the end enen though what he did was somewhat cruel he really did it out of care for lennie.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

could this be the end of con high?

It all started as a dream of dr. Paul vallace. People thought it would be a good idea to have a school based on partnerships. High schools like science leadership academy partnered with the Franklin institute, high school of the future partnered with Microsoft, and constitution high school partnered up with the national constitution center. Constitution high school soon became a product of their vision.
Unfortunately the sponsors nor the board of education could afford the building that was wanted. Renting the building made the school immediately possible and affordable. This junky document storage center was transformed into a high school. But as you know there is always a bad side to everything. Well the question that’s hot in the hallways is what the heck are we gonna do when that lease is up? Will the school renew the lease; or will this be goodbye conhigh? Some people say they will only miss their friends but if they had to move they wouldn’t mind. Others say they love the location of the school and would hate to have to move.
As for me being a student at constitution high school I would have to say that this school has many opportunities that a lot of other high schools don’t, so I would really hate to move. This school has progressed very much. We have made changes and passed laws that have made this con high what it is today. Sure it has a few tweaks in it but that’s part of the process of making a good school if we all stick together and make good decisions then we can stand tall forever. But we cant afford to renew that lease then were screwed.

Friday, February 20, 2009

In Between Seasons...

I always hear people brag about how mature they are but i think everyone once in a while revisits the spring and has that one significant moment where there a kid again. i will admit that i have grown for the most part out of my spring time ways and have become a pretty mature young adult. Everyone else has their own reasons as to why their mature which are sometimes spring kind of reasons, but the first three that come to mind for me are graduating middle school ,my first job, and being able to travel by myself.

So let me set the scene for you; 2007 eighth grade graduation day. this was one of the most thrilling nerve racking days of my life. i was finally getting out of that piece of crap school, getting my nails and hair done, and getting my first cell phone all in one day. i was finally becoming a young adult and getting the hell away from that down the block from my House school and moving to the big city; only to find out my moms new success job was only a couple bocks down =( ugggghhhhh!!!! i think this was the main turning point in my life transitioning from spring to the realization of having to quickly move to the summer.

"i just stood there peering through peering through the bushes, torn between wanting to join the fun and feeling that it was a bit sill" Just the other day i went through a similar situation; my sister was bored and driving everyone in the house crazy and she asked me to play candyland with her and i guess i sided with my maturity cause i screamed NO and slammed the door! writing this paragragh right now im thinking about how i used to love to play games with my lil sis when i was younger but now that im fifteen all i wanna do is scream at her. on the other hand i think part of being mature is learing to control your anger and being reasonable which means thinking before taking action (which im still learning).

Since i was little i was always between jobs. sweeping up at my moms salon, helping out at the gift shop, doing those house chores earning a little money here and there. but i always wanted to be considered an employee and receive an official first job was when i was 15. i worked for a community organization called Congreso. i was a law intern for the summer and it was all worth it. i learned a lot about the law and definitely became more of a mature adult throughout the experience.

Ok well the last thing on my list is traveling solo! when i first started high school my mom was petrified to send me on the bus all alone all the way to center city. why? i really didn't understand, i thought she was just being the annoying protective mom she's always been. well after the bus rides to school came bus rides with me and my little sister to the gallery which was pretty big for my mom. last but never least came going to the big New York all by myself. at first i was kinda of scared and thinking what the heck was wrong with my mom and why was she letting me go; but then i realized that it was a part of growing up and becoming "mature".

Well i guess that's all people i gave you what you wanted a good freakin essay that explained why i was mature. my goal was to make you laugh but also to make you think about your reasons why you think your mature. And although i go through those times where i act younger than i am i have learned that there is a time and place for everything and theres a time to me mature and a time to play as for me i think ill always be between seasons...


Thursday, February 19, 2009

service learning meeting 2/18/09

well the service learning meeting didnt exactly go very well. ms D. left early because she was sick, and ms.M covered the class. i think the real problem yesterday was that the people in charge of the group werent doing anything but sitting in the back of the class talking amongst theirselves. i think they need to be the ones in front of the class explaning the updates, things they need us to do, and our plans for the entire group. we did tell the girls to step up to the plate and do their job so hopefully for the next meeting we will be more organized and cooperative. so far we have plans to have a little carnival to raise money. and were just at the point of raising the money to get all the supplies we need for the carnival and thats about it...

Thursday, February 12, 2009


my day starts off with a headache from the blasting songs booming in my ears...
my alarm clock is always set to my favorite station to wake up to that bangin song...
i f feel as though the world is silent and all i can see is there lips moving...
i feel like a real DIVA as i listen to Beyonce...
i feel like a true original gangster as i listen biggie "what's beef"...
sometimes i think of old memories of previous relationships listening to rihanna...
without my music i wouldn't be me...

Monday, January 26, 2009

NHD Reflection

This year for NHD i did a website on the life and legacy of bob marley.