Friday, February 20, 2009

In Between Seasons...

I always hear people brag about how mature they are but i think everyone once in a while revisits the spring and has that one significant moment where there a kid again. i will admit that i have grown for the most part out of my spring time ways and have become a pretty mature young adult. Everyone else has their own reasons as to why their mature which are sometimes spring kind of reasons, but the first three that come to mind for me are graduating middle school ,my first job, and being able to travel by myself.

So let me set the scene for you; 2007 eighth grade graduation day. this was one of the most thrilling nerve racking days of my life. i was finally getting out of that piece of crap school, getting my nails and hair done, and getting my first cell phone all in one day. i was finally becoming a young adult and getting the hell away from that down the block from my House school and moving to the big city; only to find out my moms new success job was only a couple bocks down =( ugggghhhhh!!!! i think this was the main turning point in my life transitioning from spring to the realization of having to quickly move to the summer.

"i just stood there peering through peering through the bushes, torn between wanting to join the fun and feeling that it was a bit sill" Just the other day i went through a similar situation; my sister was bored and driving everyone in the house crazy and she asked me to play candyland with her and i guess i sided with my maturity cause i screamed NO and slammed the door! writing this paragragh right now im thinking about how i used to love to play games with my lil sis when i was younger but now that im fifteen all i wanna do is scream at her. on the other hand i think part of being mature is learing to control your anger and being reasonable which means thinking before taking action (which im still learning).

Since i was little i was always between jobs. sweeping up at my moms salon, helping out at the gift shop, doing those house chores earning a little money here and there. but i always wanted to be considered an employee and receive an official first job was when i was 15. i worked for a community organization called Congreso. i was a law intern for the summer and it was all worth it. i learned a lot about the law and definitely became more of a mature adult throughout the experience.

Ok well the last thing on my list is traveling solo! when i first started high school my mom was petrified to send me on the bus all alone all the way to center city. why? i really didn't understand, i thought she was just being the annoying protective mom she's always been. well after the bus rides to school came bus rides with me and my little sister to the gallery which was pretty big for my mom. last but never least came going to the big New York all by myself. at first i was kinda of scared and thinking what the heck was wrong with my mom and why was she letting me go; but then i realized that it was a part of growing up and becoming "mature".

Well i guess that's all people i gave you what you wanted a good freakin essay that explained why i was mature. my goal was to make you laugh but also to make you think about your reasons why you think your mature. And although i go through those times where i act younger than i am i have learned that there is a time and place for everything and theres a time to me mature and a time to play as for me i think ill always be between seasons...


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